Edit Serif Arabic Regular

Sample of Edit Serif Arabic Regular
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Font Style Information

Name Edit Serif Arabic Regular
Downloads Today 1
Downloads Yesterday 0
Total Downloads 112
ZIP File Size 117.2 KB
Family Edit Serif Arabic
Style Regular
Type TTF
Category Uncategorized
PostScript Name EditSerifArabic-Regular
Number of Glyphs 1080
Units per EM 1000
Ascender 743
Descender -257
Height 1704
Max Advance Width 1404
Max Advance Height 1704
Underline Position -100
Underline Thickness 50
Global BBox (-513,-570) , (1349,1134)
Has Horizontal yes
Has Kerning yes
Is Fixed Width no
Is Scaleable yes

All Styles of Edit Serif Arabic Font

Edit Serif Arabic Bold

Preview of Edit Serif Arabic Bold
Uncategorized 190 Downloads

Edit Serif Arabic ExtraBold

Preview of Edit Serif Arabic ExtraBold
Uncategorized 82 Downloads

Edit Serif Arabic ExtraLight

Preview of Edit Serif Arabic ExtraLight
Uncategorized 31 Downloads

Edit Serif Arabic Light

Preview of Edit Serif Arabic Light
Uncategorized 30 Downloads

Edit Serif Arabic Regular

Preview of Edit Serif Arabic Regular
Uncategorized 112 Downloads

Edit Serif Arabic SemiBold

Preview of Edit Serif Arabic SemiBold
Uncategorized 68 Downloads


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