Futura Std

Sample of Futura Std
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Font Information

Name Futura Std
Downloads Today 10
Downloads Yesterday 8
Total Downloads 11112
ZIP File Size 416.8 KB
Number of Styles 20
Submitter Anonymous

All Styles of Futura Std Font

Futura Std Extra Bold

Preview of Futura Std Extra Bold
Uncategorized 24416 Downloads

Futura Std Bold Condensed

Preview of Futura Std Bold Condensed
Uncategorized 28950 Downloads

Futura Std Book Oblique

Preview of Futura Std Book Oblique
Uncategorized 11544 Downloads

Futura Std Extra Bold Condensed

Preview of Futura Std Extra Bold Condensed
Uncategorized 12312 Downloads

Futura Std Medium

Preview of Futura Std Medium
Uncategorized 130569 Downloads

Futura Std Medium Oblique

Preview of Futura Std Medium Oblique
Uncategorized 9886 Downloads

Futura Std Medium Condensed

Preview of Futura Std Medium Condensed
Uncategorized 16294 Downloads

Futura Std Light Oblique

Preview of Futura Std Light Oblique
Uncategorized 7714 Downloads

Futura Std Bold

Preview of Futura Std Bold
Uncategorized 120860 Downloads

Futura Std Light Condensed

Preview of Futura Std Light Condensed
Uncategorized 20998 Downloads

Futura Std Light

Preview of Futura Std Light
Uncategorized 49620 Downloads

Futura Std Heavy Oblique

Preview of Futura Std Heavy Oblique
Uncategorized 114276 Downloads

Futura Std Heavy

Preview of Futura Std Heavy
Uncategorized 68040 Downloads

Futura Std Book

Preview of Futura Std Book
Uncategorized 119662 Downloads

Futura Std Bold Condensed Oblique

Preview of Futura Std Bold Condensed Oblique
Uncategorized 15223 Downloads

Futura Std Bold Oblique

Preview of Futura Std Bold Oblique
Uncategorized 24053 Downloads

Futura Std Extra Bold Oblique

Preview of Futura Std Extra Bold Oblique
Uncategorized 7883 Downloads


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