ITC Franklin Gothic Std Book Italic

Sample of ITC Franklin Gothic Std Book Italic
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Font Style Information

Name ITC Franklin Gothic Std Book Italic
Downloads Today 2
Downloads Yesterday 0
Total Downloads 476
ZIP File Size 23.6 KB
Family ITC Franklin Gothic Std
Style Book Italic
Type OTF
Category Uncategorized
PostScript Name ITCFranklinGothicStd-BookIt
Number of Glyphs 253
Units per EM 1000
Ascender 686
Descender -314
Height 1200
Max Advance Width 1132
Max Advance Height 1200
Underline Position -100
Underline Thickness 50
Global BBox (-201,-250) , (1085,886)
Has Horizontal yes
Has Kerning no
Is Fixed Width no
Is Scaleable yes

All Styles of ITC Franklin Gothic Std Font

ITC Franklin Gothic Std Book

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ITC Franklin Gothic Std Medium

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